
Data Visualization of the survey about people’s concepts on COVID-19


1 Critiques and Suggestion

Critiques and Suggestions

1) it is difficult to see the proportion of people holding a supportive attitude in each country. In this figure, the proportion of people holding a supportive attitude of more than 3 is higher than that in other countries. The reason is that the red part (indicating 3) of each bar is in a different location and is difficult to compare due to the different starting points. To fix this, I’ll use a Gantt Chart to fix it later, since it allows all neutral parts to be in the same position.
2) Figure 1 appears to be sorted alphabetically, but the second graph on the right is sorted by a decreasing proportion of “strongly agree” responses. This may confuse users, especially when the second chart may be intended to give a clearer picture of vaccination status in individual countries. 3) The survey contains many questions, and the current visualization only displays answers related to one question. This diminishes the usefulness of this investigation.
4) The results displayed by these two visualizations represent the percentage of total records for each country. However, the audience cannot tell how much the total result is and may not know how representative the result is in the country. For example, compared to a chart with 1000 results, a chart with only 10 results does not represent the population well.

1) The format of countries name is not standard. The first character should be in captilized.
2) The color meaning of different agree degree does not match.
3) The actual content of the survey question is not displayed, but kept as “Vac 1”. It is hard for reader to understand what “Vac 1” actually mean. 4) Spelling mistake in chart 1 title is obviously, which make the visualization seems not professional.

Proposed Design
The proposed design comprises two visualisations and a panel with controls.
The visualisation in the top right uses divergent stacked bars to present the survey data for each country.The controls will allow the viewer to select Survey Questions “Questions”. This allows the user to select various questions related to vaccines for analysis.
The visualisation in the top left shows the proportion of survey respondents who agree with a survey question by the various countries. The controls will allow the viewer to select:
1. Questions
2. Z_Value - This allows the user to select what elements to display on the charts, whether to include the actual percentage, the 95% error bars and/or the 99% error bars.
3. Breakdown By - This allows the user to to further breakdown the results by Age, Gender, Household Size, or Household Children.

The proposed design improves on the original design on the following areas:

  1. Make the survey question clearer for reader to understand
  2. Confidence level chart will help reader to know the specific condition under different groups, like “Age”, “Household_size”.
  3. Give the control panel for reader to choose anything they are interested in to see the analysis.

1 Data Preparation
1. Data Import
After downloading all the files we neeed and put them in the same folder, drag one into Tableau. And we can see all the csv below the files list. Then click on New Union move all the csv into new union. knion 2. Data cleaning
Rename “Table Name” to “Country”, then hide all the columns except “Country”, “Age”, “Gender”, “Household_size”, “vac1”, “vac2_1”, “vac2_2”, “vac2_3”, “vac2_6” and “vac3”. Then privot the six questions and rename them.

Gantt Bar
Then, move to sheet 1 and aliases “Country” and “Questions”

Creating Calculation fields
1. Create new Calculated field to convert them from string into an integer format. 2. Create a record list using a calculated field and setting the value as 1 3. Create a Total Count Calculated Field. 4. Create a Percentage Calculated Field to define the size of the bar chart. 5. Create a Count Negative Calculated Field to define the values for the likert scale diagram. 6. Create a Total Count Negative Calculated Field to consolidate all negative values. 7. Create a Gantt Start Calculated Field to define the start of the Gantt Chart. 8. Create a Gantt Percentage Calculated Field to define the size and scale of the likert scale diagram. Drawing Gantt Bar
1. Drag “Country” to Rows, “Gantt Percent” to Columns, “Comment” to Colour and Details, “Percentage” to Size. 2. Choose Compute Using as “Comment”
3. Drag the “Comment” and “Questions” to filters, click show filters. Rignt-Hand Chart
Creating Calculation Fields and Parameters 1. Creating Groups of “age” and “Household_size” 2. Creating “Z_Value” and “Breakdownby” Parameter 3. Create “%Agree” calculation fields, which shows the percentage of those who select strongly agree or 2. 4. create a field for “Standard Error”. Standard error is computed using the formula as mentioned on class. 5. Creat calculation filed named with “Breakdown field”. 6. Create “Margin Error” and using parameter “Z_Value” 7. Create “Upper Value” and “Lower Value”. 8. Drag “%Agree” to columns, “Upper Value” and “Lower Value” to X axis, then dual axis and synchronise axis. Drag “Breakdownfiled” to rows.
9. Change the mark to path under measure values and color under “AGG”
10. Show the parameter “Breakdownby” and “Z_Value”, and change the question to Single Value list.
Dashboard Now, drag the two chart to dashboard and make some improments to make it better.
1. As we can see the chart below, We can roughly infer that people in South Korea are more worried about getting Covid-19, while people in Australia shows least concern with this. When we choose question “I believe government health authorities in my country will provide me with an effective COVID19 vaccine”, we can see people in South Korea shows little trust in their government from the chart below. So the support from government can help reduce people’s worry. 2. People in different age groups shows different worry level about getting COVID-19. Obviously there is a rising trend with the age older from the chart below.
3. When select the “Household_size” as breakdownby, we can see people’s worry about getting COVID-19 goes down except those who has only one house.